David Miller
David Miller has been involved in
Senior Commercial and Executive
roles for almost 30 years having
risen rapidly through the ranks
of some of this country’s largest

The top dogs
We live by the motto that nothing beats experience.
We are old dogs in the industry, but we are constantly
perfecting new tricks.

Paul Vollmer
With over 25 years in advertising
Paul has earned his stripes in some of South Africa’s largest agencies, he has worked throughout South Africa and all over the African continent in communications and creative posts and has filmed and directed in the most dangerous places in Africa during such events as the Ebola outbreak in Africa and the Boka Harram war in Nigeria.
What we do
It is our experience that grounds us, but our love of big lights, big cameras, mad
stunts and pushing that creative envelope right to the edge that makes your
brand burst into life...
T 010 020 8400
Block A, Stonewedge Office Park,
Wedgewood Link Road and
William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, 2191
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